Friends of Mithra held a wonderful Champagne Afternoon Tea on Sunday 27th November at the apartment of Andy Greig and Ingrid Ashby. Andy and Ingrid graciously opened their magnificent home to 80 friends who enjoyed lots of French champagne and delicious Lebanese food in order to raise funds for the work at Mithra.
During the afternoon we heard first-hand recollections from Lyn Dagis and Katie Cox who only recently returned from volunteering at Mithra. Each spoke of the journey that has left an indelible impression on them forever. Lyn told the guests about her instant love of the children, staff and nuns and of the work she did with the physiotherapy department. Katie spoke of the rather rough time she experienced in the first few days at Mithra and the personal challenges she faced adjusting to life in India and the demands of working with mentally and physically challenged children.
Both closed their recollections with the extreme love and admiration they developed for the staff and nuns at Mithra and for the journey they each experienced, that would change their lives forever. Their departure from Mithra became their challenge in the end – they both did not want to leave.
The guests also viewed a wonderful video produced by Katie’s husband, Brett Cox. It was a short insight into some of the beautiful children at Mithra and especially the ones who make the exceptional greeting cards, as the day was organised to sell Christmas cards made by the children from Mithra.
Friends of Mithra offer deep grateful thanks to Ingrid and Andy for their generosity of heart and spirit in allowing us into their beautiful home. We raised over $11,000 on the day and the figure continues to rise each day!

If you would like to support Friends of Mithra, visit our Donate page.